Price Match Guarantee

If within 3 days of your purchase you find a lower, currently advertised price from another authorized retailer of an identical item, we will refund you 115% of the difference between the lower price and our price.

How does it work?

Order the product(s) that you want from Contact us within 72 hours by e-mail at and provide us with your order number, the specific item that you found at a lower price, the lower price you found, and proof of where you found it (if found online, provide the URL or web address of where you found the item; if found at a retail location, provide the name of store/clinic and phone number). Upon verifying the information you provided, we will refund your credit card 115% of the difference between the prices and e-mail or call you back with confirmation of your credit.


Our price for a particular item is $100.00. You find the identical product for $90.00 somewhere else. We will refund you $11.50, bringing your net price to $88.50.

Terms and Conditions:

  • * The product must be the exact same brand, item, and size.
  • * The seller must be an authorized retailer within the United States. The offer does not apply to items found on marketplace websites with multiple vendors (such as, eBay, craigslist, or or on items found from a seller outside of the United States, as the authenticity of these products cannot be guaranteed.
  • * Differences in shipping charges (if applicable) will be included when calculating the price difference.
  • * Differences are calculated on your actual Iderma purchase price. Any discounts or Reward Points applied will be considered.
  • * Does not include store specials, promotions, or discount codes.

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